Media interventions
How does it feel to be the solution? University of Glasgow Sociology Blog, December 18th, 2019.
Racial displacements: Learning (from) the city. University of Birmingham College of Social Sciences Blog, June 22nd, 2018.
Stuck in Ambivalence: The Segregation of Roma in European Cities. Green European Journal, December 8th, 2017.
Interview in the Documentary "Romanza: Cronache Rom e Sinti". Radio Bullets, September 22nd, 2017. [Italian]
Is there a European Race Question? Associazione 21 Luglio, April 20th, 2017. [Italian]
The Central European University in Budapest Under Threat of Closure. The Sociological Imagination, April 4th, 2017.
Extremism, moderation, and "the racist teacher". Carta di Roma, October 27th, 2016. [Italian]
Learning anti-Racism from Romani women: A lesson for our time. Discover Society, October 5th, 2016.
Were we all Charlie? On better understanding (why we do not understand) racism. Carta di Roma, September 9th, 2016. [Italian]
The Decay of a News Story: An Open Letter. Linkiesta, October 22nd, 2014 (with Simona Pagano). [Italian]
A few thoughts on neoliberalism and marginalized minorities in Europe. Everyday Economies, October 23rd, 2013.
A ghost of ignorance? Race and racism in contemporary Italy. Open Democracy, July 17th, 2013.
Italian authorities vis-à-vis Roma and Sinti. Notes on two recent books. Fieri. Forum on Migration research, March 17th, 2010. [Italian]